Tuesday, January 27, 2015

So it is the 2015 ... January

I know I promised there'll be a post as the new year arrives and so here it is. Better late than never I guess.

The year started pretty good I must say. Had a wonderful family time back home for Christmas probably after a good 10 years. Sadly also the first Christmas without Dad but 3 of us definitely enjoyed just to be together.

So what's been happening so far in 2015, I had a fairly happy start of the year I must say. I can't complain much even though there were occasions which kept the reality in checked.
(I need to keep remembering not to feel so happy. Yes, the little jinx that whenever I'm extremely happy, a moment of sadness just follows). I hate that! I wish I can break that.

Apart from that, my January has been going on fairly ok I guess.

I had a long hard thought about having resolutions for this year. Yes, I always come up with a list of new year resolutions and most of the time I fail  horribly to accomplish. However, guess I'll give myself another shot this year.

So here goes.

1. Get back on track with my training (Can you believe it, for my height, apparently healthy weight is between 50 - 54kg!!!).
2. Get a couple of certifications done. (ITIL Intermediate, Prince 2 etc)
3. Spend more time with my camera and learn more about photography.
4. Be more organize at work. (I tend to do a lot of last minute stuff. I need to better manage my time)
5. Need to learn to put myself first.
6. Have more patience with people. (Especially to the loved ones, I'm not sure why I tend to lose it easily. I need to stop taking for granted to the people in my life.)
7. To have the courage to follow my heart.
8. Hope to travel more.
9. Take up Chinese intermediate course.
10. Start back my meditation. (At the very least a couple of times this year)
11. Spend less on the things that I can live without.

That's it and wish me luck for this year and I hope to tick most if not all from the list.


Yes, I will be back soon.

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