Monday, January 4, 2016

What a year (2015) and here comes 2016 ...

1 post in 2015! Guess that said it all. Many things had happened in 2015. Some life changing events as well. To be honest, I don't think I want to look back at my 2015. I want to move on. Many decisions I have made in 2015 may or may not be the right ones but I am willing to face any consequences there may be from my decisions. 

A couple of things.

  • I moved country.
  • Took on an additional role at work.
  • I didn't give a crap about what people think,
  • Did a couple of travels including LONDON!!! Yay!
  • I eat whatever I want. (Yep, that caught up with me pretty fast and now I gotta stop that)
  • Basically started a new life. 
  • AUDI S3! (Enough said)
Let's review my 2015 resolutions : 

1. Get back on track with my training (Can you believe it, for my height, apparently healthy weight is between 50 - 54kg!!!). ----- > DID NOT HAPPEN  :) BUT hey, I can always readopt this in 2016. 
2. Get a couple of certifications done. (ITIL Intermediate, Prince 2 etc) ---- > DONE!
3. Spend more time with my camera and learn more about photography. 
---- > Well let's just say this will have to come along to 2016. 
4. Be more organize at work. (I tend to do a lot of last minute stuff. I need to better manage my time) --->  Think I did manage to get this done but I still feel this is a good thing to remind myself every year. So I'm going to keep this in my 2016. 
5. Need to learn to put myself first.--=-> Definitely DONE this.  
6. Have more patience with people. (Especially to the loved ones, I'm not sure why I tend to lose it easily. I need to stop taking for granted to the people in my life.) ---> Another reminder to myself in 2016. 
7. To have the courage to follow my heart. ---> DONE
8. Hope to travel more. --- > DONE
9. Take up Chinese intermediate course. --->  Nope but will come along to 2016.
10. Start back my meditation. (At the very least a couple of times this year) ---. Didn't happen 
11. Spend less on the things that I can live without. --->  I think i did well on this!!!  

Out of 11, accomplished 6 and 5 will be staying on as part of my 2016 list. 

So, here goes my 2016 list
  1. Get back on track with my training (Can you believe it, for my height, apparently healthy weight is between 50 - 54kg!!!)
  2.  Spend more time with my camera and learn more about photography.
  3. Be more organize at work.
  4. Have more patience with people.
  5. Take up Chinese intermediate course/Learn more Chinese
  6. Buy a HOUSE and make it into a HOME
  7. Learn to take care of myself 
  8. Try and be a happy person again 
  9. Write more and keep less inside 
Are you going to come along with me while I go through this list in 2016? 

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