Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thank you Hubby :)

On my way home yesterday I was feeling so annoyed with the Taxi driver (yes, I have been so spoiled that I have been taking cabs home). He was going around and I don't know why suddenly I seem to have lost most of my patience. Is it the age or hormones? No idea. I am usually very easy going person and just ignore the situation. Also on Sunday I did something which I always wanted to do which was VERY bad. No, I'm not going to tell you what I did but I can tell you this. When you are nearly hit by a car from the back because of an idiot driver in front you really tend to lose it. Yes, I lost it!! I was shaking with anger. OK, I need my meditation sessions back.

Back to yesterday evening. Eventually I got home and I think it was nearly $4 over than my usual rides home. Oh well. During the taxi ride, I was thinking we could have the left over chicken and chick peas curry I made over the weekend. When I stepped in my dear husband was making Sheesh Kababs with tomatoes for dinner. How sweet was that? Thank you baby :)

Our helper also came so it was a nice Monday evening after all. Dinner was served and house was cleaned. I know there is only one way to pay my hubby back for his lovely dinner which is to go to the gym this morning. 

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