Friday, August 20, 2010

It's almost gone

Yes, the pain is almost gone this morning when I got up. Thank you Lord. Also, I just talked to my Mom and said that Dad's operation went well and that it took nearly 2 hours. Now we'll have to pray for a speedy recovery. Also I went to see a doctor yesterday for the bald patch and he referred me to a specialist. Hubby did a research online and this is what he found out The appointment with the specialist is on Monday so let's see.

Last night since I was at home, I made dinner at home and it was quite nice. I made veges salsa which I learnt from my Aunty Jane. It's quite delicious. Basically it's a way of cleaning up the fridge. Then I made some cabbages in Indian way and we ate them with the last 3 pieces of chapatis. It was really yummy. 

After dinner we watched Operation : End Game and it was another weird movie. Sigh. I think these few days we've been having bad choices with the movies. I hope tonight will be better. Can't wait for the weekend and it seems we're going to be pretty busy during this two days. 

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