Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do it yourself

Woke up this morning and hubby came to the bathroom to show me the greens. Yes, that means we're having spinach smoothie. It was great we managed to finish up the spinach in the fridge and the bananas. We had to let go of 1 avocado though :( 

Went to work right before 9am and I noticed that I do not look forward anything at work at all. Most of the day I was basically looking around for which camera I should buy. I happened to come across to a few of the great digital camera tips blog websites and I got so motivated. 

Since I was actually thinking of using hubby's camera to take photos, I have a lot of work cut out for me don't I? Here's a shot of our dinner last night.

It's sheesh kabab and asparagus, Quite delicious. OK, back to my day. I got a call from the clinic too and told me that they've got my ultrasound result and I'll need to go back to the doctor for the follow up. So I will be going there tomorrow morning. As usual, am worry but I am just going to leave it in God's hands. 

In the cab ride coming back home this evening, I realised that I need to take control of my life and do what is right for health. That is both physically and mentally. 

I feel like I have no more friends and no one really even to talk to. Hubby was really sweet and agreed with me that I will definitely need a break. 


  1. allo allo!! then what am I? not a friend?

  2. ha ha, you are my ONE and ONLY friend, best friend and a sister!!!!! but you can't be free all the time for me right?? I bully you too much hee hee
