Monday, November 9, 2009

No sleep = no mood to work

Morning! I had such a terrible sleep last night or rather no sleep. Well firstly yesterday evening, I managed to do all the chores in my list. We also managed to go and talked to one of the interior designing firm for a quotation. The guy should send it to us in 3 or 4 days I guess. Then we did our grocery shopping, came home and watched Management. It was a so so movie, we thought it would be a fun and funny one but was an OK movie. Jennifer Aniston is someone finally looking old :)

Then I did a quick chinese veges stir fry and we ate it with our left over chicken curry (which I made for Nangyi Thoke) and left over lentil soup. That was our dinner, sorry I didn't take any pictures of it. After dinner we decided to pack for the gym and around 10:30 we went to bed. I tried to sleep but I guess its one of those nights that no matter how hard you try to sleep, you could never fall asleep and all the thoughts coming in your head one after another. So I decided to get up and watch tv till about 12 and tried again to sleep and didn't work still. Finally at 6:10 the alarm went off and I told hubby that I haven't managed to get a proper sleep yet so we decided to skip the gym and got up a tad later. 

Even though we didn't manage to hit the gym, we had good breakfast (wholemeal toasts) and vitamins. Which is always a good start for the day.

Now, its going to be a long long day for me. I have 1001 things on my to do list (for work). 

Today's note : Always start the day with a smile.

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